Technical Tips

A Quick Guide to Polishing
As with any other specialized technique, polishing is a multi-step process requiring use of the proper...
Anne Balogh
Contractor’s Guide to Efflorescence
Efflorescence is a fact of life with most concrete. We are hearing more about efflorescence related issues...
Doug Bannister
The Perfect Mix Design
Is there such a thing as a Perfect Mix Design? There is a right mix design for every job and every application,...
Alan Sparkman
How to Avoid Mistakes When Installing Concrete Countertops
For many concrete countertop contractors, the fabricating process is the most trouble-free aspect of...
Anne Balogh
Glossary of Concrete Countertop Terms
The concrete industry covers a broad range of people who design, use, apply, and build with concrete....
Understanding Colored Concrete Common Problems, Why They Occur, and How to Avoid and Fix Them.
Becoming proficient at the basics before moving on to more difficult tasks is important in most everything,...
Chris Sullivan
Troubleshooting Common Acid Stain Problems
The factors that make acid staining so unique and beautiful are the same factors that create more questions...
Chris Sullivan
An Overview to Polishing Concrete Floors
It’s no wonder why everyone is catching on to the trend of polished concrete floors. The convenience...
Bob Harris and Anne Balogh
Avoiding Problems With Decorative Concrete
“The customer is always right” can be a frustrating and painful experience. As a concrete artist you...
Chris Sullivan
Cleaning Floors Before Concrete Staining: Tips from the Pros
Often times, what could have become a beautiful decorative stained floor, ends up resulting in a disaster....
Anne Balogh
Additional Resources

The Concrete Network Concrete info, pictures, products and job referrals

Landscaping Network Landscape design ideas and pictures

Decorative Concrete Resources

Concrete Countertops Articles, photos & designs about concrete counters

Concrete Floors Photo galleries and information

Stained Concrete Hot trends, photos, videos and articles on concrete staining